
Yuki Onodera solo show at THE GINZA SPACE, ends soon

THE GINZA SPACE Yuki Onodera - FROM Where

Yuki Onodera - FROM Where

until - Nov 29 2020

ザ・ギンザ スペース



Seigetsudo Bldg. B2F

5 -9 -15 Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo

104 - 0061, JAPAN

Tel : 03 -5537-7825

11:00  19:00 9/14,10/19,11/16 休館)

ザ・ギンザ スペース

104 - 0061 東京都中央区銀座5-9-15 銀座清月堂ビルB2F 

 Tel : 03-5537-7825

 催: 株式会社 ザ・ギンザ

お問い合わせ:株式会社ザ・ギンザ PR ディビジョンTEL :03-5679-8108 (平日10  17  (12  13 時を除  



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Fixed-Point Observation of Contemporary Art

Sep 12 - Dec 13 2020

The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma


Exhibiting artists: Hiroshi Tomura, Jerry Kamitaki, Satoshi Hata, Katsuya Komagata, Mineo Aayamaguchi,Masao Okabe, Minoru Nomata, Kazuo Kenmochi, Mika Yoshizawa, Shinro Ohtake, Shelagh Keeley,
Hiroshi Sugimoto, Won Kyung-hwan, Yasumasa Morimura, Yuumi Domoto, Kazuo Takiguchi, Jårg Geismar,
Hirotake Kurokawa, Kumiko Kurachi, Fumio Tachibana, Yuki Onodera, Mio Shirai, Keizaburo Okamura, Satoshi Hirose, Rieko Hidaka

The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma

Gunma Forest Park, 992-1 Watanuki-cho, Takasaki-shi, Gunma 370-1293, Japan

Tel. 027-346-5560 Fax. 027-346-4064


佐賀町エキジビット・スペース 1983–2000





出品作家 戸村浩、ジェリー・カミタキ、 端聡、駒形克哉、みねおあやまぐち




TEL: 027-346-5560


開館時間 午前930分-午後5時(入館は午後430分まで)


Yuki Onodera solo show at Yumiko Chiba Assciates, ends soon

オノデラユキ個展 ユミコチバアソシエイツ、まもなく終了 10月10日(土)まで

Yuki Onodera - TO Where

Sep 8 - Oct 10 2020

Yumiko Chiba Associates


Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku

Park Grace Shinjuku Bldg. #206, 4-32-6 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023

Gallery Hours: 12:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays)

*There are cases that opening hours will be changed. Please check our website for further information.

オノデラユキ - TO Where

2020年 9月 8日 〜 10月 10日

Yumiko Chiba Associates


#205 Park Grace Shinjuku bldg., Nishi-Shinjuku 4-32-6, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0023 Japan

東京都新宿区西新宿4-32-6 パークグレース新宿#206

Tel: +81 (0)3 6276 6731


Yuki Onodera - FROM Where 

Sep 8 - Nov 29 2020




Seigetsudo Bldg. B2F

5-9-15 Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo

104-0061, JAPAN

Tel : +81-3-5537-7825

オノデラユキ - FROM Where

2020  9月 8日(火)~ 11月 29日(日)11:00  19:00 9/14,10/19,11/16 休館)    

ザ・ギンザ スペース

     104 - 0061 東京都中央区銀座5-9-15 銀座清月堂ビルB2F 

 Tel : 03-5537-7825 www.company.theginza.co.jp/space/

 催: 株式会社 ザ・ギンザ

お問い合わせ:株式会社ザ・ギンザ PR ディビジョンTEL :03-5679-8108 (平日10  17  (12  13 時を除  



Yuki Onodera - Everywhere Photographs

Sep 18 - Oct 24 2020

ZEIT-FOTO kunitachi




Tel/Fax: +81 42 505 8838


e-mail: zf@zeit-foto.com

オノデラユキ展 - Everywhere Photographs

2020年 9月 18日〜10月 24日

金・土 11:0018:00、火・水・木 ご予約のみ(日・月・祝日休み)

ZEIT-FOTO kunitachi ツァイト・フォト国立


042-505-8838 zf@zeit-foto.com



Fixed-Point Observation of Contemporary Art

Sep 12 - Dec 13 2020

The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma


Exhibiting artists: Hiroshi Tomura, Jerry Kamitaki, Satoshi Hata, Katsuya Komagata, Mineo Aayamaguchi,Masao Okabe, Minoru Nomata, Kazuo Kenmochi, Mika Yoshizawa, Shinro Ohtake, Shelagh Keeley,

Hiroshi Sugimoto, Won Kyung-hwan, Yasumasa Morimura, Yuumi Domoto, Kazuo Takiguchi, Jårg Geismar,

Hirotake Kurokawa, Kumiko Kurachi, Fumio Tachibana, Yuki Onodera, Mio Shirai, Keizaburo Okamura, Satoshi Hirose, Rieko Hidaka

The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma

Gunma Forest Park, 992-1 Watanuki-cho, Takasaki-shi, Gunma 370-1293, Japan

Tel. 027-346-5560 Fax. 027-346-4064


佐賀町エキジビット・スペース 1983–2000


2020年 9月 12日〜12月 13日



出品作家 戸村浩、ジェリー・カミタキ、 端聡、駒形克哉、みねおあやまぐち








TEL: 027-346-5560


開館時間 午前930分-午後5時(入館は午後430分まで)




Yuki Onodera
FROM Where
Sep 8 - Nov 29 2020


Seigetsudo Bldg. B2F
5 -9 -15 Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo
104 - 0061, JAPAN
Tel : 03 -5537-7825 

In collaboration with Yumiko Chiba Associates, The Ginza Space presents a solo exhibition by internationally-active photographer Yuki Onodera from September 8 to November 29, 2020. Onodera moved from Japan to France in 1993, and first attracted attention with her “Portrait of Second-hand Clothes” series in 1995. Since then, she has been exploring the potential of photography and extending her range of photographic expression through a succession of experimental works.
“Portrait of Second-hand Clothes” features second-hand clothes mounted in front of the window of her apartment in Montmartre, Paris, using the sky as the background. She acquired the clothes at Christian Boltanski’s 1993 exhibition “Dispersion,” when visitors could take a bag of clothes home for ten francs. This series can be interpreted in a variety of contexts, including life and death, fashion and the body, and individual identity and community history, and it represents the starting point for the artist’s work employing ambiguity. Works from the “Portrait of Second-hand Clothes” series are held in collections around the world, but this exhibition uniquely provides a chance to reassess its timeless value by exhibiting fifteen prints selected by the artist from the whole set of fifty-two works. Also exhibited are works from her “camera” series (1997), produced by setting up two cameras to face each other in a darkroom and taking an exposure with one of them using the flash of the other as the only source of illumination. The installation of these two series takes advantage of the different ceiling heights in The Ginza Space to contrast the moment when a photograph is taken with the moment when the photograph becomes timeless.
Concurrently with this exhibition, Yumiko Chiba Associates is exhibiting Yuki Onodera’s latest works in Shinjuku. The collaboration realizes a rare opportunity to see both the artist’s starting point and work representing her development over the intervening quarter-century in Tokyo at the same time.

Photo caption:Yuki Onodera "Portrait of Second-hand Clothes" no.38, 1996, gelatin silver print, 115x115cm


オノデラユキ FROM Where


ザ・ギンザ スペースでは、2020年 9/8(火)から11/29(日)まで、ユミコチバアソシエイツと共同で、世界的に活躍する写真家・オノデラユキの個展を開催します。
1993 年に渡仏したオノデラは、1995 年に発表した「古着のポートレート」シリーズで注目を集め、以来、写真表現の可能性と領域を拡張する実験的な作品を次々と手掛けてきました。
「古着のポートレート」は、クリスチャン・ボルタンスキーの個展「Dispersion (離散)」(1993年)で展示されていた古着を10フラン払って袋一杯持ち帰り、モンマルトルのアパルトマンから見える空を背景に撮影した作品です。生と死、ファッションと身体、個人のアイデンティティとコミュニティの歴史など、様々な文脈からの解釈が可能で、オノデラの多義的な制作の出発点となった記念碑的作品です。
世界各国の美術館に収蔵されている「古着のポートレート」ですが、本展では初出より四半世紀の節目に、全52作品のうちオノデラ自身が厳選した15点を一堂に展示し、そのタイムレスな価値を問い直します。瞬時に情報が消費されていくデジタル社会において、時を経ても色あせない物の存在価値を再確認する試みです。また、暗闇で2台のカメラを向かい合わせ、被写体である片方のカメラのフラッシュ光だけで撮影した「camera」(1997年)も合わせて展示します。高低差のあるザ・ギンザ スペースの空間的特徴を活かし、写真が生まれる瞬間とタイムレスな存在に昇華した瞬間を対比して見せる、空間構成も見どころの一つとなっています。

株式会社ザ・ギンザ PR ディビジョンTEL : 03-5679-8108 (平日10 ~ 17時 (12 ~ 13時を除く)
写真:「古着のポートレート No.38」1996年、ゼラチンシルバープリント 115×115cm

オノデラユキ FROM Where
会 期:2020年 9/8(火)~ 11/29(日)11:00 ~ 19:00(9/14,10/19,11/16 休館)    
会 場:ザ・ギンザ スペース
    104 - 0061 東京都中央区銀座5-9-15 銀座清月堂ビルB2F 
Tel:03-5537-7825 www.company.theginza.co.jp/space/
主 催:株式会社 ザ・ギンザ


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TO Where Yumiko Chiba Associates

TO Where

オノデラユキ Yuki Onodera
TO Where
Sep 8 - Oct 10 2020

Yumiko Chiba Associates


Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
Park Grace Shinjuku Bldg. #206, 4-32-6 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023
Gallery Hours: 12:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays)
*There are cases that opening hours will be changed. Please check our website for further information.
[Request prior to admission]
*We would like to ask visitors to refrain from visiting the gallery if visitors have symptoms such as a fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, loss of taste or smell.
*We request visitors to wear masks. Also visitors are asked to sanitize hands, and non-contact temperature readings upon visiting will be taken before entering the gallery.
*Visitors contact information will be asked as part of contact-tracing measures.
*We kindly ask visitors not to visit in a large group.
*Limited numbers of visitors will be allowed at one time to avoid crowdedness.
The door and window will be left open for ventilation.
Our staff practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces as well as daily health check and staff may wear masks.

Yumiko Chiba Associates is delighted to present an exhibition of work by photographer Yuki Onodera. Self-taught in her chosen medium, after launching her practice in Japan, in 1993 Onodera moved to France where she continues to pursue an international career from Paris, earning accolades that include the 28th Kimura Ihei Award for her photo collection cameraChimera in 2003, and France’s most prestigious photography award the Prix Niépce in 2006.
Onodera’s practice and philosophy as a photographer have been devoted to a highly original form of exploration that could be described as an ontology of photography or of the camera, in which she consistently challenges the status of photographs as imitations of the world; copies, recording devices. Reflecting on Onodera’s oeuvre, it is evident that in everything from the camera mechanism to the printing, to the act of taking photographs, there is an emphasis on some kind of formative action or effect. In this sense one could say Onodera has distanced herself from the idea of photography as recording device, and reinterpreted both photo and camera as formative things. As if to swim against the tide of a history holding that the emergence during the age of Impressionism of the camera as a device to faithfully document reality is what propelled new formative developments in painting, Onodera attempts to expand the latent formative possibilities in the technology of camera and photography.
This exhibition of new work by Onodera comprises photographs manipulated in some manner via actions such as collage, painting, photograms and dripping. The gelatin silver prints too are all Onodera’s own work. Onodera has given this new series the title Darkside of the Moon: a place that we know definitely exists, yet which is not visible from where we are.
Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the latest from an artist who in her explorations of the medium of photography, consistently traverses the terrain between cognition and perception.
*TO Where will be staged to coincide with FROM Where, an exhibition at THE GINZA SPACE of works by Onodera including the Portrait of Second-hand Clothes series that was one of her major early offerings.


Artist Statement

The exhibition TO Where at Yumiko Chiba Associates has been designed to shed light on where my practice is at a quarter-century after Portrait of Second-hand Clothes, being revived concurrently in FROM Where at THE GINZA SPACE. In the concentrated space of YCA, visitors will be able to trace, in a stripped-down, distilled version, the subsequent flowering of my practice in its evolution and specialization. These works are perhaps best described as intensified fragments of a range of different series, but conversely, the show being so bijou in scale will likely give visitors a better overview of the creative flow involved. Dominated by a new project currently in progress, and including the debut of another in the Muybridge’s Twist series of large-scale works, plus a scattering of works of diverse subject and theme, TO Where will hopefully serve up a rich, concentrated curation of treats.
In the quarter-century since 1995’s Portrait of Second-hand Clothes, my work has evolved organically in myriad ways. During that time, the environment surrounding photography has also changed a great deal. Just how long can we go on using the word “photograph”? This is where we find ourselves at present. My interrogations have always been primarily about the existence of “photography” itself, and our very understanding of it. Asking myself questions such as, what can we do with photographs, and what has been attempted with photographs so far, I have experimented repeatedly with giving photographs greater materiality, belying their status as two-dimensional images. These series of works, each group having a very different subject and theme, may at first glance appear to come out of the blue, but from where I’m standing, each has a strong connection to the others.
The show at YCA will be dominated by works in collage, which I predict is about to become a major turning point in my practice, and includes three series notable for their experimental nature, on the theme of photography itself, plus the new work Darkside of the Moon.
All have been created by me using gelatin silver prints, collage, painting, photograms, and dripping. None of which is especially unusual in terms of manual technique, of course. What I would like viewers to note though, is that all the works here are made using slightly odd, unconventional methods of my own devising. The other thing I was particular about with these works was making them single, one-off prints. Obviously the photographic quality of photographs lies in duplication, but here I have gone out of my way to break this down via the production method.
As to the new work, Darkside of the Moon, no matter how much text I write for it, it defies explanation. I’d prefer the viewer to read the work itself as a text. My works have often been referred to as “anti-photographic acts,” and this new work will doubtless be the most “anti” so far. It too is a one-off, rendered as collage on canvas. A set of three, those three photographs having no end. The relationship between the different images goes in a cycle, forming an endlessly repeating circle. The physical act of dripping, which seems to deny the existence of the image as an entity, makes the bonds between the images solid. Perhaps Darkside of the Moon will have some eye-opening effect, in which thanks to a conflicting “severing and dissolving” among the collaged photos, and its recurrence, we are shown a flip side of sight and cognizance totally invisible to us ordinarily; indeed akin to seeing the “dark side of the moon” invisible to our eyes; something we know of, yet cannot see.

Yuki Onodera, Paris, July 2, 2020


Photo caption: Yuki Onodera, Detail of "Darkside of the Moon" no.01, set of 3, 130 x 130cm, gelatin silver print, drip painting, collage on canvas, 2020.
Joint Exhibition
Yuki Onodera 'FROM Where'
Tuesday, September 8 - Sunday, November 29, 2020 *Closed on Sep14, Oct 19, and Nov 16

B2F Ginza Seigetsudo Bldg., 5-9-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0061
Gallery Hours: 11:00 – 19:00
TEL: 03-5537-7825
Organized by the Ginza Co., Ltd.


オノデラユキ Yuki Onodera
TO Where
Sep 8 - Oct 10 2020

Yumiko Chiba Associates

#205 Park Grace Shinjuku bldg., Nishi-Shinjuku 4-32-6, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0023 Japan
東京都新宿区西新宿4-32-6 パークグレース新宿#206
Tel: +81 (0)3 6276 6731


Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjukuでは、2020年9月8日(火)より、オノデラユキの個展「TO Where」を開催いたします。

新作個展となる本展は、コラージュ、ペインティング、フォトグラム、ドリッピングといった行為によって、何らかの操作がなされた写真で構成されます。銀塩写真プリントも、すべてオノデラ自身によるものです。これらのシリーズは、『Darkside of the Moon』と名付けられました。たしかに存在することは知っていても、その場所からは見えない「月の裏側」。写真というメディアの探究において、認識と知覚のあわいを往還するオノデラの新作をぜひご高覧ください。

※本展は、ザ・ギンザ スペースで開催される、オノデラの初期の代表作『古着のポートレート』ほかの作品を展観する『FROM Where』展との同時開催となります。



Yumiko Chiba Associatesの個展『TO Where』は、同時開催となる資生堂ザ・ギンザの<THE GINZA SPACE>によるリバイバル展『FROM Where - 古着のポートレート』の四半世紀後を明らかにすべく企画された。YCAの高密度な空間でその後の進化と分化の開花、そのキュッと詰まったエキスのようなものを鑑賞していただければと思う。それらは多様な作品群の先鋭化された断片とも言えるが、逆に少ない数であることによってクリエイティヴィティーの流れが俯瞰できるのではないだろうか。現在制作中の新作を中心に、大作マイブリッジ・ツイスト未発表作、さらに多様な被写体とテーマの作品をちりばめた空間は濃密/高密度な展示となるに違いない。


YCAではそれらのシリーズから、今後大きな分水嶺となるかもしれないコラージュ作品を中心に、「写真自体」をテーマにした実験性際立つ3シリーズ、そして新作『Darkside of the Moon』を展示する。

新作の『Darkside of the Moon』。テキストをいくら書いても説明は難しい。むしろ作品自身をテキストとして読んでいただきたい。今まで私の作品について何度も「反写真行為」といった言葉が発せられてきたが、この新作はその中でも最もアンチ写真となる作品だろう。キャンバスにコラージュされた、これも完全な1点限りの作品。三点セットの連作、その三点の写真には終わりがない。それぞれのイメージの関係が循環し輪となり永遠に繰り返えされる。イメージという存在を否定するかようなフィジカルな行為「ドリッピング」がその繋ぎを強固にする。コラージュされた写真同士の相反する「切断と溶解」、この繰り返しによって我々には日常まったく見えてこない視覚と認識の裏側を見せられるような、目眩を起すような効果がありそうだ。そう、例えば我々の目からは見えない『月の裏側』を見るような、知っていても見えない存在とも言えるのだ。

Yuki Onodera, Paris, July 2, 2020

写真:Yuki Onodera, Detail of "Darkside of the Moon" no.01, set of 3, 130 x 130cm, gelatin silver print, drip painting, collage on canvas, 2020.

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ZEIT-FOTO kunitachi

Yuki Onodera
Everywhere Photographs
Sep 18 - Oct 24 2020

ZEIT-FOTO kunitachi


Tel/Fax: +81 42 505 8838
e-mail: zf@zeit-foto.com


オノデラユキ展『Everywhere Photographs』
会期|2020 年9 月18 日(金)― 10月24日(土)
開廊時間|金・土 11:00~18:00、火・水・木 ご予約のみ(日・月・祝日休み)
会場|ZEIT-FOTO kunitachi (ツァイト・フォト)
連絡先|042-505-8838 zf@zeit-foto.com


この度、ZEIT-FOTO kunitachi ではオノデラユキの初期の小品を中心とした展覧会『Everywhere Photographs』を開催いたします。
ツァイト・フォト・サロンで初めてオノデラユキ展を開催したのはまだ日本橋にギャラリーがあった1995年、“DOWN” 三部作*のうちのひとつ『液体とコップ』の展示でした。当時フランスに拠点を移して間もなく、ほぼ無名だったオノデラですが、持ち込んだ作品の自在な表現力と独自性に惚れ込んだ石原悦郎は展覧会の開催を即決、以来20年以上にわたる新作発表の場となりました。常に新鮮な驚きをもたらしてくれる新作を生み出し続けるオノデラを、石原は一貫して応援し続けました。そしてオノデラユキはギャラリーの看板作家の一人となり、そのグローバルな活躍によってギャラリーを支えてもくれました。
現在、ツァイト・フォト・サロンはZEIT-FOTO kunitachi として故・石原悦郎の私邸での営業を行なっております。『君が走っているのだ、僕はダンボの耳で待つ』(1991)や『Dog』(1991)など、繊細でありながらユニークで実験性に富んだ初期の珠玉のような小品をはじめ、その後の人気のシリーズの数々を、石原の過ごした空間いっぱいに展示いたします。ザ・ギンザ スペース「オノデラユキ FROM Where」展、ユミコチバアソシエイツ「TO Where」展とあわせてご高覧いただけますと幸いです。
* “DOWN”三部作 part-1『液体とコップ』於:ツァイト・フォト・サロン、part-2『古着のポートレート』於:ガレリア・キマイラ、part-3『鳥』於:Aki-Ex ギャラリー、三つのギャラリーでの共催。


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